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Isolated Singularities and Series Expansions

Part 4: Residues

If the function f has an isolated singularity at z0, then it has a Laurent series expansion in some punctured disk centered at z0:

The coefficient c-1 in this expansion is called the residue of f at z0.

  1. Find each of the isolated singularities of the following function. (There are six.)

  2. Classify each of the isolated singularities of f as a removable singularity, a pole, or an essential singularity.

  3. Find the residue of f at each isolated singularity. (If the residue has a complicated symbolic form, find a numerical approximation.)

The residue command in your computer algebra system probably will not find the residue at an essential singularity. In these cases, you have to do it yourself.

  1. What is the Laurent expansion for

    g(z) = sin(2/z)

    about z = 0?

  2. What is the residue of sin(2/z) at z = 0?

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