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Isolated Singularities and Series Expansions

Part 2: Isolated Singularities

A function f has an isolated singularity at z0 if f is defined and differentiable at each point of a disk centered at z0 except at the point z0 itself.

Here are the definitions of three functions, each with an isolated singularity at 0:

A function f has a removable singularity at a point z0 if f may be defined at z0 in such a way that the new function is differentiable at z0.

  1. The point 0 is a removable singularity of f1. Find the first seven terms of the series expansion of f1 about z = 0. Why is this singularity "removable"?

We will explore the behavior of these three functions near the singularity at 0 by examining how the magnitude |f(z)| varies over small circles centered at 0.

  1. Use the commands in your worksheet to plot |f1(z)| over circles of radii 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1. Describe how |f1(z)| varies as z approaches 0.

A function f has a pole of order n at z0, where n is a positive integer, if

(z - z0)n f(z)

has a removable singularity at z0, but

(z - z0)(n - 1) f(z)

does not.

  1. Find the first seven terms of the (Laurent) series expansion of f2 about z = 0. The point z = 0 is a pole of order one. How can you tell it is a pole? How can you tell it is order one?

  2. Plot |f2(z)| over circles of radii 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1. Describe how |f2(z)| varies as z approaches 0.

  3. Define a function g that has a pole of order two at 0. Find the first seven terms of the series expansion of g about z = 0. Explain how you know that 0 is a pole of g. Explain how you know it has order two.

  4. Plot |g(z)| over circles of radii 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1. Describe how |g(z)| varies as z approaches 0.

An isolated singularity that is not removable and not a pole is called an essential singularity.
  1. Ask your computer algebra system to find the first seven terms of the series expansion of f3 about z = 0. What happens?

  2. What is the Laurent series expansion of f3 about z = 0? (This you must do on your own. The series command will not help.) How can you tell that 0 is an essential singularity of f3?
  3. Plot |f3(z)| over circles of radii 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1. Describe how |f3(z)| varies as z approaches 0.

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