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Numerical Solutions of Differential Equations

Part 4: Another Initial Value Problem

  1. Now we will obtain the solution to the initial value problem
  2. dy/dt = sin(y), with y(0) = 0.1.

    Plot the direction field, and then use your helper application's built-in differential equation solver to plot the solution to the initial value problem. (Be careful with the dimensions of the plot window.)

  3. Rather than attempting to solve the equation symbolically, discuss why the graph of the solution has the form you see. In particular, why does it look so similar to the solution of the corresponding initial value problem for the Logistic Equation?
  4. Describe all equilibrium solutions (i.e., constant solutions) of
  5. dy/dt = sin(y).

  6. Find an initial value b for y(0) so that the solution of the initial value problem
  7. dy/dt = sin(y), with y(0) = b

    does not resemble a solution of the Logistic Equation.

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