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The Inverse Laplace Transform

Part 2: An Application of the Residue Theorem

Now let's look more closely at the integrals

Let Z(omega) = a + i omega for omega between -b and b be a parametric representation for the curve C1. We sketch below an example of C1 with a = 1 and b = 3.

Graph of C1

The Curve C1

  1. Use this parametric representation to explain why we may write the line integral of F(z) exp(zt) over the curve C1 as

  2. Explain why we may represent the integral in the limit representation of f(t) as

  3. Now let's concentrate on this complex function F(z) exp(zt). Find the isolated singularities of this function, and calculate the residue at each singularity.

  4. Next, we'll make C1 part of a rectangular path C that encloses the singularities of F(z) exp(zt) by adding three additional line segments C2, C3, and C4 as indicated below.

    The Closed Curve C

    The Closed Curve C

    Use the Residue Theorem to determine the value of the line integral of F(z) exp(zt) over the closed curve C. Then, divide this result by 2 pi i and simplify. Compare this to f(t) for positive t.

  5. Explain why the result in Step 4 would follow from the fact that, as b and c approach infinity (leaving a fixed), the limiting value is 0 for each of the following integrals:

  6. We will not give a formal proof of the limits in Step 5. However, check the sizes of the integrals in Step 5 for t = 1, a = 1, and b = c = n for n = 10, 20, and 100.

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