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Limited Population Growth

Part 1: Background Information

You may have studied recently the "natural" growth of biological populations, starting with assumptions of growth rate proportional to the population and no restrictions on growth. As you know, these assumptions lead to a model formula that is exponential. In this module we model a population for which there is a limit on the population size. Rather than start from data on a real population, we start from a theoretical assumption about the growth rate, and we study what this assumption predicts about the population.

Our Theoretical Assumption: Let M be the maximum population that the environment will support. We assume (as biologists often do) that the rate of change of the population is proportional to the product of

Here are two reasons for assuming such a relationship:

In the next Part we consider a way to generate numerical and graphical solutions to any problem of the form

This problem has two pieces of given information:

Such a problem is called a differential-equation-with-initial-value-problem, which is usually abbreviated to initial value problem.

In Part 3, we will apply our solution procedure to a simulated population of fruit flies in a laboratory environment.

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Last modified: September 20, 1997