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Maple Tutor

Part 7: Graphing Functions

  1. Let's plot 3 sin(2x) over the interval [0,2π]. First we need to make sure x is unassigned. Enter
    to check.  If Maple says that x has an assigned value, then remove it.  Now type
    3*sin( 2*x )
    Use your mouse to highlight this expression,  and select "Plots"  > "Plot Builder" from the Context Panel.  Click on "2-D plot".  Maple should make an arrow pointing from your formula to its plot.

  2. About one-third of the way down the Context Panel it should say "x" and then two boxes with numbers in them.  In the first box enter "0" and in the second box enter "2*Pi".  (If you leave out the asterisk or forget to capitalize the P it will not work.) Maple should change the plot to the correct interval.
    We can obtain the same result by defining the function f given by
    f(x) = 3 sin(2x)
    and plotting f(x). Enter the following:
    f := x -> 3*sin(2*x)
    f( x )
    Use the Context Panel to plot this function
    over the interval [0,2π].

  3. When the plot appears, use your mouse to "select" it -- you should see a box around the graphic. Experiment with the icons at the top of the screen to see what they do. In particular, obtain each of the following:
  4. You can also use the Context Panel to change the plot.  Experiment to see what you can do.  In particular, obtain each of the following:

  5. We can also animate the curve. Use your mouse to select the plot, and where the Context Panel says "2-D plot", change it to "2-D animated curve". Some animation controls should appear next to the icons you were experimenting with. Click the play button (triangle) to play the animation.

  6. Experiment with the other animation controls.  In particular, do each of the following:

    • Reset the animation to the start.

    • Step through the animation one slide at a time.

    • Play the animation forward and backward on a continuous loop.

    • Speed up the animation.

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