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Selected Publications by CCP Authors and Users

CCP modules, and the CCP site itself, have been designed with careful attention to the educational challenges of the human-computer interface. Design decisions have been made with the goal of achieving optimal learning environments for users, based on studies from education, psychology, skills-training, art & design, and other sources. The following link will take you to a "text" that presents basic principles of interface design in a condensed form that is easy to browse and interesting to explore:

Design Principles for Interactive Texts

[Note: Each link below opens a new window. To return to CCP, close that window.]

Further background on the CCP's strategies for creating high quality computer-based learning environments can be found in the following papers by CCP authors :

Effective Design of Computer-Based Instructional Materials

Renewal in Collegiate Mathematics Education

Thinking about Learning, Learning about Thinking

Trends in Calculus Reform

The Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications (JOMA) featured CCP in its December 2001 issue, with a background article by David Smith and Lang Moore, five modules, and a user article by John Hannah of the University of Canterbury (New Zealand). There was also an author/user article in 2002 by Stephanie Fitchett of Florida Atlantic University Honors College. Here are links to these articles and modules:

JOMA Articles

The Connected Curriculum Project

Using Connected Curriculum Project Modules in a Differential Equations Course

Teaching with Duke's Connected Curriculum Project Materials: A User's Perspective

JOMA Modules

World Class Sprints

The SIR Model for Spread of Disease

World Population Growth

The Equiangular Spiral

Logistic Growth Model

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