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The One-Dimensional Wave Equation

Part 3: Non-Zero Initial Velocity

Now we consider a boundary/initial value problem with non-zero initial velocity t.

Initial Value/Bounday Problem

Here the initial position function f is the same as before

Graph of f
Graph of f

The initial velocity function g has the graph shown below.

Graph of g
Graph of g

We know that, in this case, the solution y(x,t) of the initial/boundary value problem may be approximated by

Definition of A2

Here, the half-range Fourier sine approximations to g are
Half-Range Sine Expansions for g.

Thus, the coefficients dk are given by
Formula for d[k].

  1. Calculate the coefficients dk, and check the half-range approximations to g.

  2. Graph the approximation A2 to the solution of the initial/boundary value problem as a function of x for a range of values of t between 0 and 8. How does the solution of this problem differ from the one with zero initial velocity?

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