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The Pendulum

Part 3: Period as a Function of Length

Return the value of the damping parameter to 0. In this part we will explore how the period of the pendulum depends on its length.

  1. How can you determine the period from your plots of either solutions or trajectories?
  2. Find the period for each of the starting displacements. Does the period depend on the starting displacement? [If the answer is yes, in the rest of this Part we will consider only the initial displacement theta(0) = 0.5.]
  3. Experiment with different length pendulums, ranging from 0.1 meter to 2 or more meters, calculating the period of each. Record and plot your [length, period] pairs.
  4. Make a conjecture about the relationship between length and period, and cite any evidence you have to support your conjecture.
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Last modified: March 24, 1998