Part 3: Ingesting Lead
In a study published in 1973 (see title page for reference), Rabinowitz and colleagues measured over an extended period of time the lead levels in bones, blood, and tissue of a healthy male volunteer living in Los Angeles. Their measurements produced the following transfer coefficients for movement of lead between various parts of the body and for excretion from the body. Note that, relatively speaking, lead is somewhat slow to enter the bones and very slow to leave them.
a21 = 0.011 | a12 = 0.012 | from blood to tissue and back |
a31 = 0.0039 | a13 = 0.000035 | from blood to bone and back |
a01 = 0.021 | a02 = 0.016 | excretion from blood and tissue |
The Rabinowitz study also showed that the average rate of ingestion of lead in Los Angeles over the period studied was 49.3 micrograms per day.
In your worksheet, set the values of the transfer coefficients aij and the ambient lead level L to those given above. In Part 2 you computed an equilibrium solution xe of the model system
x' = Ax + b.
The equilibrium solution is a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous system. Thus, to find the general solution. we need to find the general solution xh of the corresponding homogeneous system x' = Ax, and then add xh and xe.
That is, find the vector function that describes the state of lead in the volunteer's body if there were no lead in his body when he moved to Los Angeles.
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