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Navigating the Site

This site uses a consistent system of navigation. The buttons which appear in the module pages, and descriptions of their functions, are shown below. (Within a module, the functionality of the navigation buttons is duplicated in text links at the end of each page.)

Go to CCP Homepage

Go to the homepage for the Connected Curriculum Project.

Go to the Materials Page, from which you can choose materials by format, subject and application. (If you click on this button now, while in the `Resources' side of the site, you will go to the Resources Page.)

Each module will use one of the following buttons to designate the subject area of the module.

Go to Precalculus Materials Precalculus
Go to Differential Calculus Materials Differential Calculus
Go to Integral Calculus Materials Integral Calculus
Go to Multivariable Calculus Materials Multivariable Calculus
Go to Differential Equations Materials Differential Equations
Go to Linear Algebra Materials Linear Algebra
Go to Engineering Mathematics Materials Engineering Mathematics

Go to the Contents Page of the current module.

Go to the next page.

Go to the previous page.

Return to CCP Homepage Go to CCP Homepage       Return to CCP Materials Go to Resources Page

modules at math.duke.edu