Math Sciences Conference Group on Digital Educational Resources

March 29, 2003

Notes taken by Brandon Muramatsu.



Project Updates

·         NCTM

o        lluminations Project working with Marco Polo Foundation to continue

o        Reflections Projects video-based snippets of actual teaching, soft launch in 3 weeks with 3 lessons

o        OnMath: Online journal for teachers, stories of actual teachers sharing experiences elementary, middle and high-school

§         Published 3-times a year

§         After summer 2003 will be a member benefit for NCTM members,

o        Contribute to Math History project, online publication

·         ENC

o        Dept. of Education extended through Fall of 2004

o        Focus Magazine

§         Online weekly publication, with online content focusing on one area

§         Still have smaller (less pages) print publication 4-6 times a year

o        Learning Matrix: College level for College Professor

§         Stronger on science than math content

o        fedrl

§         Take materials that are already digital, supported by NSF and Department of Education, to create a catalog (either online publications or sets of applets)

·         iLumina

o        Completely implemented Math Taxonomy (did a mapping of iLumina math taxonomy to MathNSDL taxonomy)

o        Encourages folks to upload resource to iLumina

o        Are allowing selves to be harvested, scheduled to be harvested to Cornell

·         Math Forum

o        Math Tools: Digital Library of material for pre-K through Calculus

§         Have list of topics by grade (mined from Table of Contents from texts)

§         Includes a software developer’s area

§         Is basically a referatory

§         Will have Amazon-style user reviews

·         Ethnomathematics Digital Library

o        Found most of the relevant resources already available on the Web

o        Working now with archives to find resources, running into issues of copyright and therefore permission to put an “old” resource online

o        Outreach to advocate concepts of Ethnomathematics

·         UIUC and Wolfram Research

o        Enhance Mathworld and Function site

o        Extract OAI-compliant Dublin Core metadata from Mathworld and Function site

o        MSC and Math Taxonomy

§         Need to do cross-walk to existing Mathworld taxonomy

o        Develop course related material for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics at UIUC

o        Working with American Institute of Physics to move their production system to XML-based journal structure

§         Will try an map AIP journal’s embedded MathML to link MathML in journal to functions site and identify missing functions in MathWorld

·         MERLOT

o        New peer review structure coming

·         JOMA

o        Publishing 3rd volume

o        Module in 3rd volume, is a good example of re-use (of Frank Wattenberg’s stuff) leading to a new publication

·         Online Book for Mathematical Modeling at USMA (also a Calculus book coming from Duke and Lang Moore and David Smith)

o        Students and authors co-developing text

o        Desired abilities needed from digital libraries

§         Ability to give students a piece of a resource at a time

§         Ability to annotate the book as the class progresses

§         Access to tools (in this case, modest computer algebra systems)

Federated Search

·         QUESTION: Do collections want to collectively embark on federated search (aka Bill Mischo’s broadcast search)?

NSDL Update

·         Views of the NSDL

o        “1998 View”: NSDL as a centrally developed large, structured digital library for undergraduate education with aspirations to help undergraduate education

o        “Classical NSF Program Approach”: Reform education, all of science, traditional NSF put out a solicitation and provide grants

·         Concerns:

o        NSF funds long-term activates with short term funding

o        Resource for integration were not integral to individual projects

o        Coverage of content is patchy

·         CI Emphasis

o        Low-cost ways to do things that can grow to a large level without a large number of staff involved

o        Metadata repository (mainly OAI), deployed a portal with search service in December 2002

o        Encouraging NSF to put more resources that are structured for the long term

§         “Smithsonian” model: some museums are very autonomous

§         NSF keen on this model, large exemplars that are simultaneously significant projects in own right as well as federation of projects


·         Exemplar in Undergraduate Mathematics partially supported by NSF

o        Going to MAA Executive Committee for their buy-in

o        Build substantial organizations that have longer term funding

o        MAA would be longer term home

o        Elements

§         Planning Group (this group)

§         Workshops

§         Math in the News feature

§         Provide a home for services (e.g., federated search)

§         Market Research/Financial Planning

Mathematics on the Web

·         IBM no longer supporting Tech Explorer

·         Design Science really the only group developing a plug-in

·         Mozilla/Netscape 7 has MathML (presentation) native support

·         Microsoft’s next Office will be XML enabled, Microsoft working with Design Science to represent equations as MathML

·         Wolfram can convert presentation MathML to Mathematica kernel type representation

·         Types of difficult math typically in applied math

·         (Statistics, Calculus typically easy to represent)

·         QUESTION: Can this group decide upon an approach to use MathML (content and/or presentation) to use in our projects?

·         Quotes:

o        Mathematicians are like universities both are slow...

o        MathML is the answer, not sure what the question is...

·         Robby: Semantically search and discovery of mathematics on the web

o        Goes beyond just MathML for presentation

o        Number of examples presented that illustrate the problem Robby suggests

o        May go beyond education, but be better suited for research audience

o        Desire to hold initial meeting(s) with space provided by both AIM and IMA by the Fall 2003

Potential NSDL Proposal

·         Robby: Potential NSF proposal on NSDL-wide workshop on standards, learning objects and learning technology

o        See handout provided by Lang

Math Taxonomy

·         iLumina has converted over to the Taxonomy

·         ENC

o        Not converted over

o        Terry H. wants to know about rolling up

·         Math Forum and Math Tools

o        See for a list of discussion items

·         Ethnomathematics

o        Converted taxonomy to alphabetical list

o        Catalogers catalog based upon taxonomy

o        Searchers see alphabetical list and but results show the full path to the taxon if it exists in multiple paths

o        Catalog on three taxonomies: subject, instructional issues,

·         ACTION: Begin gathering and documenting individualized implementations, and best practices

Other Taxonomies/Vocabularies

ACTION: Develop Listing Teaching and learning strategies for using the resource

·         What types of vocabularies/taxonomies exist (expand upon Terry’s list)?

·         What types of vocabularies/taxonomies should exist (really from Math perspectives)?

o        Resource Type (BEN, SMETE, MERLOT)

o        Process Skills (ENC)

o        Instructional Issues (ENC)

·         Who’s the audience?

·         Are these lists math-specific, or are they more generic?

General Discussion

·         For Member Organizations (NCTM), restricting access to membership

o        Will the activity generate more memberships

o        Or rather is membership dues going to support the activity, and hence the activity should support members

·         Further Discussion Items

o        Copyright and repository storage

o        Interested in doing regular workshops of what’s available and how to do simple development as a lead in to use of resources

·         Who else should participate in the Conference Group?

o        NSDL CI representation

o        AMS participation (namely Patrick Ion)

o        Community College representation

§         CCIME/MAA Committee

o        NSDL

§         Physics Digital Library

§         Biology Digital Library

§         Other NSDL-funded projects with mathematicians

o        Math librarians

o        NASA

o        Susan Holmes, Statistician at Stanford

o        Math Resources in Canada folks

·         Suggestion by Frank:

o        Introduce working group structure to have subsets work on different areas

o        Need to identify things to work on (to affect student learning)

§         Suggested brainstorming activities

·         Frank: Outreach to get more use of resources available by users

·         Gene: Inreach to examine what affect each of the projects has

·         Don:

o        Joint surveys of and sharing of results of user surveys


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