Duke Mathematical Journal and International Mathematics Research Notices Conference

The conference will be held at Duke University on Friday and Saturday, May 1 and 2, 1998.



Friday, May 1 Saturday, May 2
9:00-10:00Bagels and Coffee 9:00-9:00Bagels and Coffee
10:10-10:30 Welcome9:30-10:30 Sarnak
10:30-11:30 Gross 11:30-12:30 Bloch
1:30-2:30 Jerison 2:15-3:15 Hofer
3:30-4:30 Borcherds 4:15-5:15 Bismut
6:00 --> Buffet Dinner

All talk will be in room 114 Physics Building on the West Campus of Duke University.

Organizing Committee

Richard Hain (Duke) and Jonathan Wahl (UNC)



There will be a nominal registration fee to cover the cost of the buffet dinner on Saturday night.


There will be a buffet dinner on Saturday evening after the conference. Participants will be asked to contribute a nominal fee ($15 general, $10 for graduate students) to help cover the expenses of the dinner.


It is very unlikely that we can support any established mathematicians. However, we do have funds to support a few graduate students and mathematicians just a few years beyond the doctorate. Persons wanting support will need to have a letter from at least one senior mathematician supporting their application.


The parking lot next to the Math/Physics building is gated. The gate will be closed on Friday but open on Saturday. Permits will be available at the registration desk on Friday morning to this lot and one behind it according to availability. Those coming from UNC and NCSU are urged to car pool.

Useful Information

The closest hotels are the Brownestone Inn ((919) 286-7761), The Cricket Inn ((919) 286-3111; (800) 274-2538), and the Regal Hotel ((919) 383-8575; (800) 633-5379 (N.C.) (800) 325-3535 (Nationwide).

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Last modified: April 24, 1998