%%% CONFERENCES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @conference{Ful83, author = "William Fulton", title = "Introduction to intersection theory in algebraic geometry", booktitle = "Regional Conference Series in Mathematics", number = 54, year = 1983} %%% PROCEEDINGS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @inproceedings{GMP81, author = "Mark Goresky and Robert MacPherson", title = "On the topology of complex algebraic maps", booktitle = "Algebraic Geometry Proceedings, La R\'abida, Lecture Notes in Mathematics", number = 961, year = 1981} @inproceedings{Kwi97, author = "Micha{\l} Kwieci\'nski", title = "Mac{P}herson's graph construction", booktitle = "Algebraic Geometry, Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics", editor = "Sinan Sert{\"o}z", volume = 193, year = 1987} @inproceedings{MP81, author = "Robert MacPherson", title = "Singularities of vector bundle maps", booktitle = "Proceedings of Liverpool Singularities, Lecture Notes in Mathematics", number = 192, year = 1981} @inproceedings{Shi84, author = "Theodore Shifrin", title = "Curvature integrals and {C}hern classes of singular varieties", booktitle = "Integral Geoemetry, Proceedings, Contemporary Mathematics", volume = 63, year = 1984} @inproceedings{Sul81, author = "D. 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