Alex Dunlap's home page


I am an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Duke University. I study problems in probability theory, partial differential equations, and applied math. I am particularly interested in the asymptotic behavior of stochastic partial differential equations.

Before coming to Duke, from 2020 to 2023 I was an NSF postdoc at NYU Courant, sponsored by Jean-Christophe Mourrat and Yuri Bakhtin. I completed my Ph.D. at Stanford in 2020, advised by Lenya Ryzhik.

Along with the other probabilists in the department, I help organize the Duke Probability Seminar. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Math papers and preprints

Published outreach report

Recorded talks

Fun stuff

Some mathematical visualizations (require a reasonably modern [in 2016] browser, e.g. Firefox or Chrome).

Math jokes


