2007 Math Research and PRUV Fellows

Andy Ng, Barry Wright III, Aaron Pollack, Jason Ferguson

Jason Ferguson -
Mentor - Chad Schoen
Research Title: Cohomology of Groups

Andy Ng -
Mentor - John Harer
Research Title: Image Processing

Aaron Pollack -
Mentor - Richard Hain
Research Title: Modular Forms

Elliott Wolf -
Mentor - Richard Hodel
Research Title: Incompleteness and Computability

Barry Wright III -
Mentor - Hubert Bray
Research Title: Positive Mass Theorem

Other summer research students in mathematics

Mehak Aziz -

Jovana Pavisic -

Russell Posner -

Scott Spillias -

Rory Wasiolek-

Return to: VIGRE at Duke * PRUV * Department of Mathematics * Duke University
